Jeni Hott Online Biz School


I am creating a unique business school for aspiring online entrepreneurs. In April, I will be opening the doors to 12 "Founding Students" who are ready to create their first online business, while allowing me to perfect the curriculum based on their feedback.

Founding Students will receive heavily discounted lifetime tuition offer, and extensive hand-holding throughout the launch of their first business.

This is a LIMITED opportunity, that I will not be able to offer again.

You will have thorough self-paced video lessons, printables, and group coaching where I can personally guide you with your specific business setup.

To get started, book a Strategy Session, where we can discuss your goals and online-business options. After this, you can decide if Biz School is right for you.

Founding Student Seats
Remaining Seats
Seats Taken

Online-BIZ SCHOOL: Startup 101 Course

Getting Started: Biz School begins with, "Business Startup 101," a course designed to take even the most inexperienced individual through the step-by-step process of creating a successful online business. This includes having your website up, an initial business plan, marketing plan and first readers/clients, etc.

How long does it take? Your first online biz could be up and running in as little as 2 months, even if you have 0 experience, no idea what you want to do, and very little time on your hands. There has never been a better time to start the online business of your dreams.

Cut the learning curve

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Quick urgent care and attention

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Accessible quality care for all

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How does this work?

Become a Member

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Book a Telehealth Visit

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Speak to a Doctor

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Cavewell Medical Practice

Cavewell is a private practice owned and operated by top physicians dedicated to providing quality and accessible health care to patients of all ages in Bristol since 2011.

Our primary care physicians and staff specialize in the prevention, management, and treatment of various medical diseases, and it is our goal to offer the best medical services possible to our patients. We hope you place your trust in Cavewell Medical Practice.

Join today and gain access to personalised quality healthcare consultation from anywhere

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© Cavewell Medical Practice 2021